
Showing posts from June, 2022

Is jaw surgery for TMJ worth it?

About Jaw Surgery The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is like a hinge found where the jawbone and skull meet. The TMJ makes it possible to talk, eat and do everything with our mouths. When there is a disorder with the TMJ, it causes a lack of mobility, pain, and stiffness resulting in our inability to utilize the jaws' full range of movement (i.e., limit the opening and closing of the mouth). While TMJ replacement surgery  is required to treat TMJ disorder if other treatments such as mouth guards and oral splints do not help. It is recommended to seek medical advice about other alternatives. Causes of TMJ There is no exact cause of TMJ; however, the TMJ disorder can be caused by, -           Displacement of the disc. -           Inflammatory arthritis. -           Genetic malformation from birth. When is TMJ surgery not required? Surgery is not required when you can open and close your jaw. Though there may be some degree of pain associated with it, your doctor may suggest me